When it comes to fasteners, you can't beat ARP.
ARP's 2000 series rod bolts are their premium line of rod bolts. Don't mistake the 2000 rod bolts for their standard version. These are more expensive, but the clamp loads and bolt strength of these rod bolts are worth it.
These will work on the OE rods as well as many 2ZZ-GE aftermarket rods.
The kit comes with ARP Assembly Lube and torque instructions.
We use these bolts on our engine builds.
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Oil Cooler- Rear Mount
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ACT Prolite Flywheel - 2ZZ-GE
$ 550.00
ACT HDSS and XTSS Clutch
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BOE Catch Can
$ 224.00
ARP 2ZZ-GE Head Stud Kit
$ 220.00
2ZZ-GE HP Head Gasket
From $ 160.00 - $ 270.00
Lotus 111 Rear Motor Mount
$ 135.00
Lotus 111 Front Motor Mount
$ 135.00
Fidanza Friction Plate
$ 95.00
BOE Evora Vacuum Pod Kit
$ 69.00
NGK Spark Plugs for 2ZZ-GE
$ 42.00
Gates Serpentine Belts for Supercharged and NA applications- Elise Exige
From $ 40.00 - $ 75.00
Oil Pan Gasket- 2GR-FE
$ 23.00
Oil Pan Gasket- 2ZZ-GE
$ 23.00
Trans Studs
$ 18.00
2ZZ Engine Work Covers
From $ 14.00 - $ 25.00
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